ENGAGEMENTS by the CCMJ and the weekly GLOBAL TABLE networks 2012/13 – Widening the range of dialogue and action on commons, land, money and basic income in systemic change –  there will surely be many omissions for you to contribute:


***CHRISTIAN COUNCIL FOR MONETARY JUSTICE [CCMJ] – interpreting and applying to a contemporary political economy the findings of the 1962 Dundee Report.. ‘Wealth? A Christian View’ – works as an open association to avoid institutional drag and thereby able to provide chaplaincy to many secular agencies seeking inclusive justice. From 1996 to the present CCMJ has moderated an open weekly London Global Table to provide a focus for any wishing to explore and effect structural curatives as well as the more common necessary but insufficient palliatives within the existing system: http://www.ccmj.org

***The CIVIL SOCIETY FORUM – Creating the space for conversations that matter; Stimulating and supporting creative action and productive collaboration; Building a world where all can flourish – http://civilsocietyforum.com

***COALITION FOR ECONOMIC JUSTICE [CEJ] – action format – Abel and Nicolson join – Conference linking to Commons – increasing understanding of the need for land and money to be linked in systemic change: http://www.c4ej.com


***FREE CRITICAL THINKING – Clive Menzies – http://freecriticalthinking.org/daily-pickings

***EQUILIBRIUM STATEhttp://www.equilibriumstate.org

***FORUM FOR STABLE CURRENCIES – http://www.forumforstablecurrencies.org.uk and https://forumnews.wordpress.com

***KINGDOM AT WORK PROJECThttp://www.eden.co.uk/shop/the-kingdom-at-work-project-4314729.html

***LIVING SYSTEMS GROUPplease confirm link: http://www.atami-lsg.comhttp://www.newciv.org/ISSS_Primer/asem14ep.html

***LOCAL EXCHANGE TRADING – UK and London networks: http://www.letslinkuk.nethttp://www.londonwide.letslink.org

***NATIONAL JUSTICE AND PEACE NETWORKhttp://justice-and-peace.org.uk

***OCCUPY: http://occupylondon.org.uk • Occupy Economics Working Group: http://occupylondon.org.uk/occupy-economics-working-group/

***OUR BROKEN SYSTEM – Society’s Not Working: http://ourbrokensystem.com

***POSITIVE MONEY – backing this disciplined and responsive educational drive and expanding network on basic MR. Sees Interest free arguments as a latter development in a process. Held the attention of 10000 in only a few years: http://www.positivemoney.org

***THE RUNNYMEDE PROJECT & Purton Declarationplease confirm linkhttp://agreementofthepeople.org/commentsRunnymede.html

***ST PAUL’S INSTITUTE Tablet & Church Times – via Bishop Selby – developing dialogue around participation and the Ark of the Covenant

***SIMPOL – keeps a constant watch and encouragement on responsible global governance: http://uk.simpol.org/index.php?id=50

***2015 CONSTITUTIONALISTS: A potent expression of the Global Table’s collaborative work can be seen in http://www.2015constitutionalists.uk


An Altruistic Community – ROBIN UPTON – Working for Love Not Money – We are an optimistic, positive community with members from both the under- and the over-developed world. We are united by our commitment that a money-centred struggle for personal gain is no way to make the world a better place. We try to ignore money but put people at the heart of what we do, concentrating on what will be of real benefit to others: http://www.altruists.org

# RODNEY SHAKESPEARE: www.binaryeconomics.net – TAREK EL DIWANY/ – www.islamic-finance.com/indexnew.htm – MUNIF https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul_Rahman_Munif ? – range of Christian/Islamic dialogue in UK and beyond – also Christian/Muslim Forum and Iranian group:

# D. O’MURCHU ‘Reclaiming Spirituality’ the global escape from anthropocentric distortion. ‘Quantum Theology’ and ‘Ancestral Grace’’: http://www.diarmuid13.com

ANNE PRIMAVESI  ‘Exploring Earthiness’ 2014: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Anne-Primavesi/e/B001H6Q7Y4/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1452538451&sr=1-2-ent

# ROGER DOWLEY’S ‘Towards the Recovery of a Lost Bequest’ noted widely: http://www.abebooks.co.uk/recovery-lost-bequest-laymans-work-notes-biblical/16647543239/bd

# ECUMENICAL COUNCIL FOR CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY – critique of submissions on neglect of complicity and structural change: http://www.eccr.org.uk

# ICB AND PARLIAMENTARY COMMISSION – a continuing attempt at dialogue [Tomlinson papers of Dec 12]? access through Justin Welby [Abp of C elect]

# EUROPEAN CHRISTIAN ENVIRONMENT NETWORK – encouraging an agenda item to set Climate Change in the context of structural change re land and money creation

#  THE ACT NOW ALLIANCE – For People, For the Earth. f/u to Oct 26th in QS2 – in conjunction with New Wilberforce Alliance and- Runnymede Project/Purton Declaration] – seeking understanding of collaboraion – its from, generation and purpose.

# Rev Paul Nicolson – connections  www.z2k.org    also at www.prohousingalliance.com   www.taxpayersagainstpoverty.org.uk [TAP as an independent political movement supporting the poorest citizens ]  www.facebook.com/pages/Taxpayers-Against-Poverty/299911526728884

# GRADIDO – an international drive to model money as a vehicle of justice and CAMPHILL COMMUNITIES – both modelling new uses of public money

 # HENRY GEORGE  FOUNDATION – the basic economic causes of poverty were correctly described by. HG’s proposals to collect as public revenue the rental value of land (natural resources) excluding improvements, and to abolish all taxes, tariffs and imposts that interfere with the free production and exchange of wealth, are accepted as the major remedies for poverty and injustice.’

 THE ECONOMIC RENT CIRCLE, Fridays, 530, The Brewmaster, Leicester Square. and the SYSTEMIC FISCAL REFORM GROUP

 # UNIVERSITY OF FOOD AND NEW LITERACY – www.newliteracy.co.uk Mario Molinari

# SCHOOL OF COMMONING – Quilligan Seminars led to a wealth of follow-up  Pub. and propagation of ‘The Wealth of the Commons’ Bollier and Helfrich  www.commonsrising.org  and www.commonsrising.ning.com


# CORPORATE WATCH – the insidious danger of Corporates as persons in law and monopoly tactics

# COMMON CAUSE – working with values and frames http://valuesandframes.org/handbook/  Tom Crompton

# SYNTHESIS and THEOS Think Tanks – Living Systems- Complexity – cross fertilising  – Greg Fisher, Elizabeth Hunter 

# CIVIL SOCIETY FORUM – Ridsdale and Van Wyk – definition of new community living www.civilsocietyforum.net

# UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME – cross referencing widely  new Eurpoean initiatives and a working gp of Occupy -Abel –  www.criticalthinking .org   and www.citizensincome.org

 # INITIATIVES IN REFORMED BANKING – a] Quaker Bank – Trusteeship -b] Bank to the Future – c] Interest Free bank formation [Munif building a 10yr  war chest !!! d] and Fin Innovatio Lab. e] Pax Globalis Mouatt and Yasseen

# NEW ECONOMICS FDN. – wide range of thrusts in systemic change

# TAX JUSTICE NETWORK – astute watch and international initiatives on fiscal justice Murphy and Christensen: Prem Sikka – accounting – watch on accountancy practice

# ASH WEDNESDAY AND EASTER DECLARATIONS – Op. Noah- adding applications to fine scriptural rhetoric

# WORLD CONGRESS OF FAITHS – work on the Double Commitment and dangers of the lesser Golden rule – beyond the Dysfunctional family

# ERADICATING ECO-CIDEPolly Higgins’ international drive – Over this year some fantastic progress in advancing Ecocide as the 5th Crime Against Peace.&  ENVIRONMENTAL LAW  FDN. – working on local issues of environmental degradation.

# AMERICAN MONETARY INSTITUTE – advocating and learning from the American initiatives in MR. New

 # TRADE UNION DRIVE – with Martyn Lusty

# CLERGY TRAINING Steen – a bid for fuller dialogue on ‘the neglect of economics is a wound in the side of the church [Moltmann Sept 9 2000] danger of ‘making commerce with holy things’

# GLOBAL VISION2000 and reflections on the Spiritual earth

# WESTMINSTER GLOBAL IDEAS SOCIETY global.ideas@su.westminster.ac.uk   07930 131723

# GAIA NETWORK [Interdisciplinary communication on holistic thinking] and GAIA FDN, Hampstead – studied of enduring wisdom in indigenous peoples.


 # CHURCH ACTION ON POVERTY [CAP] campaigns in partnership with churches across the UK to ‘Close the Gap’ between rich and poor, calling for Fair Taxes, fair Pay, Fair Prices and a Fair Say. (See www.church-poverty.org.uk/closethegap) with Free Churches Joint Public Issues Team. www.jointpublicissues.org.uk/

# WORKING IN TRUST – help re-establish trust in business as the life-blood of any organisation and community.  To renew trust in organisations,  rethinking organisational structures, relationships. Andrews/Phillips/Sheath and SCOTT BADER COMONWEALTH



in preparation for the act of worship before the Pilgrimage to Canterbury June 2012:

May God bless us with discomfort /at easy answers half truths,/and superficial relationships,/that we may live deeply /within our hearts./May God bless us with anger/at injusticce, oppression, /and exploitation of people and the Earth./May God bless us with tears/to shed for those who suffer, /from pain, hunger, homelessness and rejection,/so that we may reach out/our hand to comfort them,/and turn their pain into joy./and may God bless us with/enough foolishness/to believe that we can make a /difference in the world,/so that we can do what others claim /cannot be done!/AMEN.

A note that might be added to the agenda item in February’s ECEN Executive’s, agenda as an indication of available studies and resources:


ITEM: The Design Fault in GLOBAL HOUSEKEEPING [ the sacred economy ?] behind which societal cultural and ecological damage is mounting exponentially. ‘The neglect of economics is a wound in the side of the church  ’[Moltmann in London, Sept 9  2000]

ASSOCIATED BRIEFING: the Human Economy today has evolved structures over 500+ years that cause all value to be  commodified, so that it now allows……………………..

a] Misappropriation of economic rent [community created value in land and assets] – enclosures * Harrison, Duchrow and Menzies

b] Insidious usurious exponential growth of compound interest from commercial money creation as debt at the expense of genuine credit – exploitation * Dominy and Buchan

c] The perpetuation of the fundamental error of using resources without reference to the laws of nature – economy as interdisciplinary global housekeeping * Quilligan ‘Value and the Commons

It is to be noted and discussed that

Few ‘faith based’ agencies wrestle with money as understood when consistent with nature – *Gradido [ International perspective], Camphill Communities [Local examples]

Few studies reveal the rich range of significant extant endeavours to generate local counter initiatives to revive location value and interest free credit – * Harrison, Large ‘ Common

Wealth’ and * Conaty -‘The Resilience Imperative – Co-operative Transitions to a Steady State Economy’



Key people (in case not included above): Paul Eedle/ Rodney Shakespeare/Michael Northcott/Tim Gorringe/ Peter Dominy/Richard Werner/Simon Mouatt/ Michael Meacher/Austin Mitchell/Tarek El Diwany at Kreatoc/Tareq Munif/David Pidcock/Moeen Yasseen [Muslim]

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