The London Global Open Table [LGOT] used to meet every Wednesday (except for break over Christmas and in the summer holidays) from 12noon to 2pm – but is now “in recess” until further notice.  It began an outreach of the Christian Council for Monetary Justice – – in the nineties – at The Global Cafe. in Bloomsbury. When this cafe closed, we settled at Friends House, Euston, and after some years moved to the School of Economic Science.

Several years ago, in addition to hosting the Global Table meeting, the chair also became involved with the Constitutionalists Group, who began by having their meetings beforehand in the same venue, then moved to holding their meetings in another venue at the same time.   The left-behinds formed themselves into an Open Research Group and continued to host the meetings, until summer 2018, when they recognised that key people were no longer attending, and did not renew the booking at SES.  Peter Challen, who used to produce “Matters in the Air” continued to host this new meeting for the Constitutionalists Group on “Mutual Education for Inclusive Justice”, details of which were included on our Events Archive page, along with several other meeting series – so from a single venue, we have evolved into a multi-venue movement.

We lost momentum on updating our forthcoming Events page, but have now resumed…..