Malice in Plunderland – Peter Lock, CCMJ Associate


There can be no adequate understanding of the suicide or survival alternative facing humanity, without a proper perception of the financial reality that it is the abuse of the role of money which is the root cause of all economic evil, and hence of most of the social disorders threatening the future of society.

In a sense money must be priceless. It is the priceless lifeblood and catalytic reactor of the economic body. It is the priceless measurer of prices which the community uses to value its own real wealth of natural resources and talent. It reflects the priceless credit and faith which the community has in its own ability to produce goods and services.

It is a flagrant violation of the community’s common good, if individuals are legally permitted to pervert the community’s own most priceless possession, its financial lifeblood, by monopolizing the creation and supplying of all money, and also by manipulating its planned scarcity for their own base personal profit and power. Once a nation loses control of its currency and credit to selfish private interests, it matters little what political party is in power or who makes its laws. Usurious banking, by its intrinsically evil and antisocial nature, will wreck any nation once it usurps power and will ultimately destroy itself, as will any finite self-centred positive feedback evolutionary system.

Until governments of countries resume control of the issue of their currency and credit and understand that the creation of the lifeblood of the economic body is its most godlike activity and responsibility, all talk about real democracy is just hypocrisy and deceit.

The same applies to all the statements of Christian leaders about Social Justice, Development and Peace, as long as they fear to bite the hand and overturn the tables of the avaricious money mongers in the global marketplace to whom they have sold Mother Nature’s children into the slavery of unpayable, exponentially growing, compound interest burdened debt.

Peter Lock, CCMJ Associate in Australia

MALICE IN PLUNDERLAND – The Abuse of the Role of Money in the Marketplace  –    Peter Lock

Worlds pass,
their myths outknown,
their creeds
and cults outgrown.
Selflife evolves, forever new.

 In a sense money must be priceless. It is the priceless lifeblood and catalytic reactor of the economic body. It is the priceless measurer of prices which the community uses to value its own real wealth of natural resources and talent. It reflects the priceless credit and faith which the community has in its own ability to produce goods and services. It is a flagrant violation of the community’s common good, if individuals are legally permitted to pervert the community’s own most priceless possession, its financial lifeblood, by the creation and usurious supplying of all money, and by manipulating its planned scarcity for their own base personal profit and power.

 PO Box 504, Hindmarsh, SA 5007 Phone-Fax (08) 8242 0566 : email: pblock(&


From titles of Peter Lock’s book 

Living under

The Great Deception

we are encultured by

Self-functioning Systems

by which we’ve built a

Plunderland gripped by

The Plague of Debt.

Once more we experience

The Curse of Adam and

ensuing Marketplace Mayhem

nourishing The Vineyard of Sour Grapes,

The Betraya,l and an abiding

The Cancer of Greed

There can be no choice for an

Epilogue of hope but in the

restoration of money-creation

as a public utility

replacing vested interest

with credit for productivity interest free.