Matters in the Air: 12th Dec 2018

These notes are posted at, to contribute background information for associates of the Global Table and its offspring, the Open Research Group. This weekly forum is a persistent focal point for many who cannot often get to London but are encouraged in bold initiatives by association and collaboration. We all continue to foster the public sense of the search for inclusive justice. We are trying to sense the richness of our networking without overburdening with detail. We collaborate in order that action may flow BOTH in specified targeted initiatives AND in acknowledgement of our shared commitment to ending exploitation – usury – now exponentially rampant, plus the theft of the Commons and Institutional Drag!  Contact the Open Research Group – 

Forthcoming Events:

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the stream is gathering force:

Richard Murphy “I was a little surprised to be asked to write for International Banker magazine recently.  But it did not take long to write a few hundred words, and this is what I wrote: Long live auditing.  and  I hope Thomas Piketty’s tax manifesto is not as the Guardian is reporting it  09 Dec 2018

A fascinating set of 9 pieces on rethinking the Human Rights Declaration of 1948

Bertrand Russell asserted that the key to growing old contentedly is to “make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life,”

Beyond GDP   Joseph Stiglitz blames deficient policies in many areas on inadequate metrics, but says that help is on the way.

The Charter for Compassion Education Institute  A Universal Christmas. Christmas is a sacred holiday and a transformation with plenty to offer to Christians and non-Christians alike. It comes during the gap between darkness and sunlight — the perfect time, traditionally, to stop being normal and to begin experimenting with alternative ways. This December to take delight in the deeper meanings and wonders of Christmas. Christmas is for everyone and need not be limited to a special community of believers. We sort ourselves out not by officially belonging to a group but by living the Gospel philosophy of love: based on appreciation for humanity, all of life, and the community of the world.  By learning skills to calm our bodies and mind, becoming more emotionally aware, learning to practice compassion for ourselves and others, as well as engaging with compassion in complex systems, we can build towards compassionate integrity: the ability to live one’s life in accordance with one’s values with a recognition of common humanity, our basic orientation to kindness and reciprocity.

Creative-tension is usually a precondition for creativity. A humble but self-confident science and open-minded faith in the flow of cosmic energy that takes the critiques of postmodernism seriously, while firmly refusing to turn aside from the quest to learn real things about the objective world, would be a creative thing indeed.” Which is why ‘Factfulness’ by Hans, Ola and Anna  Rosling is an important study of the extent of our culturally conditioned, limited perspectives on the complexity of global reality.


Trying to grasp Quantum Economics    David Orrell  in 80 PAGES


COMMONS and CO-OPERATIVE SOCIALISM – this non-hierarchical alternative to capitalism and totalitarianism, continues to campaign for a non-usurious, fair-world approach to the economy, taking forward ideas promoted by CCMJ and The Spirit Level – for background see the papers section of  The campaign website – in development – includes videos by John Courtneidge explaining the proposal: • See latest update on the Co-operative Sector:

FREE CRITICAL THINKING: meets Tuesdays  to its own timetable – see Events Listing at The London School of Mosaic in the Basement Studio (down ramp), 73-96 Ludham, Southampton Road, Lismore Circus, London, NW5 4SF (Gospel Oak overground /Belsize Park tube): • Critical Thinking’s scope: – in pithy summary: “Hierarchy, theft of the Commons and Usury are the fundamental drivers of poverty, wars, environmental destruction and the enslavement of humanity. Once we understand that, we’re on the road to recovering humanity.”  See Clive Menzies’ paper in the Islamic Economics Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Reform Proposals in the Monetary System for Attaining Global Economic Stability:
• Link to Co-Creative Learning: • Daily Pickings: December 2018: Mon 3rd: Global warming testimony • Tue 4th: Perspectives on civil war • Wed 5th: The Irish holocaust • Thu 6th: Jeffrey Epstein and The Finders • Fri 7th: Statecrafty • Sat 8th: I don’t know • Sun 9th: Political economy 101 for yellow vests

*INDEPENDENT CONSTITUTIONALISTS UK (ICUK): recognises the necessity of dealing with BOTH the need for many urgent palliatives within a dying system, AND a systemic curative re-design by participative democratic application of an integrated social-political-economy of trusteeship in the co-evolution of planet earth. It concentrates on the Meta-Narrative within which the UK could shape all its independent but mutually accountable communities. Curative change to the political-economy like “poetry happens in two stages, like sculpting; first the imagination, then the chisel.” The specific pursuit of an integral model for public policy originated at the London Global Table and is now pursued as the emergence of ‘A PEOPLE’S SOCIAL-POLITICAL-ECONOMY OF TRUSTEESHIP IN THE CO-EVOLUTION OF PLANET EARTH.’ The CURATIVE structural change advocated in the ICUK’s Declaration of Purpose is set within PRINCIPLED-PRAGMATISM. It provides an integrated, and therefore multi-disciplinary, context for human response-ability. All specialist Disciplines must be seen to make their contribution to this dramatic description of cognitive behavioural therapy applied to public policy and purpose.” MP [For those using philosophical and theological studies as an aid, the curative represents a modern perception of bringing the Kin[g]dom into all aspects and language of public policy. 4].  An update of its website is now evolving:  An informal Strategy Forum meets in central London every Wednesday between 12 and 2pm – you are invited to contact Peter Challen – – for latest developments and meeting venue.

LETSlink is working on much-needed national and regional hubs to enable dedicated training for individual LETS groups. Newly online groups are being encouraged to work on a county-wide basis.  The main website sets out theory and enables enquirers to connect with local groups: See PP presentation – Local Exchange Trading Schemes: Integrated Community Currency Model – ICCmodelSee record of origin of LETS in the UK via a paper by David Weston, “Green Economics: The Community Use of Currency,” paper presented at The Other Economic Summit at the 1984 TOES Conference as recorded by Paul Ekins in “The Living Economy: A New Economics in the Making”, 1986.  See LETSlink Forum.  

LONDON COMMUNALISTS, coordinated by John McCone, are engaged in discovering a politics of citizenship based on shared public concern. See notes on Communalism based on Murray Bookchin’s: “The Next Revolution” – CommunalismProject00-A4 – They meet 6pm-8pm on the third Monday of each month in the reading room of 88 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1DH – dates on the Events page. See John McCone’s written evidence on Land Value Capture submitted to the Housing and Communities and Local Government Committee. Feedback welcomed to John McCone.

POSITIVE MONEY has branches all over the UK to campaign for debt-free issuance of currency, which are often listed on our Events page. Positive Money is the civil society organisation fighting for a banking system that works for people: • Recent Articles: The History and Future of QE/  • Bank of England on Climate Risk  • Worrying New Data on War on Cash  • Results of Swiss Referendum on Sovereign Money • Local Groups • see also Forthcoming Events

Further Reports are invited from our associates in the quest for inclusive justice to stir our awareness and effect change through both palliative and curative means.

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PUBLICATIONS & BLOGS – reviews always welcomed:-

RENEGADE INC: Monday 10th December 2018: Why you can’t afford a home: The average Briton is only ever about two sentences away from discussing house prices. Why? Because the British land market is utterly dysfunctional. When Thatcher resuscitated the idea of a ‘property owning democracy’, not even she could have imagined the scale of inequality that those three words would drive. So, we ask how did we get here and why, in the world’s fifth largest economy, can so few people afford to buy their own home? Ross Ashcroft is joined by the Valuation Specialist at the Bank of England, Dean Buckner, and writer and economist Josh-Ryan Collins:

THE KEISER REPORT: Tuesday 11th December 2018: Predatory lending as the way to respectability: In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss the otherwise progressive apologist for a predatory lender who Obama wanted to run for President in 2020. They also look at the story of a drug smuggler turned predatory lender who is using the justice system to seize assets from his ‘clients.’ In the second half, Max interviews Michael Pento of about the latest in markets and yield curves: does the inverted yield curve even mean anything?

Guardian Review: THE NEXT LEFT – Ben Tarnoff: Away from Brexit and trump Headlines, the revival of socialism in the UK and US remains striking. Can Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders make it count? The_Next_Left.
Peter Challen comments: This article attached has valuable comparisons and indications of the difference between bold palliatives and a radical curative. Worth noting our ICUK bid to go deeper into Democracy.
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